Creative Gardening Articles

In our creative gardening section, your garden becomes a canvas for boundless imagination! We’re here to help you cultivate a garden that’s as creative and captivating as you are.

Creating a Mother’s Day Centerpiece With Flowers From Your Garden

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and a lovely way to honor your mom is with a stunning and personalized centerpiece made with flowers from your garden. Whether you are gathering to celebrate with a fancy brunch, a formal dinner, or just a casual afternoon barbecue? Your Mom will love sitting at a table that showcases a dramatic centerpiece made with gorgeous garden flowers and accented with personalized items that reflect her interests.

How to Stake Peonies and Delphiniums for Best Growth

Peonies and Delphiniums are beautiful plants with heavy blossoms. That’s kind of the problem. The weight of the blossom tends to be a problem when the plant begins to mature. Wind and rain can cause the tops to flop over and damage the plant. You do have several choices in how to stake them to give the plants stability and encourage better growth. Consider the Plant’s Shape When deciding on a stake system, consider the plant’s natural shape and growth pattern.

Dandelions: The Good, the Bad and the Deadly

There are well over 200 different species of dandelion. It’s true. Most people don’t even realize it, but you could have several different species popping up out of your lawn right now. They can be very useful, but they can also be a real nuisance. But, as the saying goes (or at least as it is expertly paraphrased), “When life gives you dandelions, make dandelion tea!” Is that good advice? Let’s find out.

The Best Flowers For Drying

Drying flowers is a perfect way to continue enjoying your favorite blooms indoors or used in decorative arrangements as gifts or as attractive accents for your home. Although many flowers do dry well, keep in mind that the drying process often will highlight the flaws in flowers, so by choosing the best flowers for drying, your chances for producing beautifully dried flowers are much higher. Always be sure to handle the flowers you choose to dry very carefully, and always have an area set aside in your home just for the drying process so your flowers won’t be crushed, jostled or become easily damaged.

Dig & Divide! Spring Blooming Poppies, Bleeding Hearts, and Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris ****Sunny spots are great places to begin when searching for the perfect spot for the bearded iris. Pick a spot with full sun for the transplant of the bearded iris. Start by carefully digging up the stems and rhizomes of the plant. Cut the main rhizome into smaller pieces ensuring that each piece has a leaf fan. Trim down the leaves to about 6 inches. After cutting the rhizome, wait for a few hours so the cuts can heal.

How To Interplant Annuals Amongst Spring-Flowering Bulbs

We had a late Spring, to put it politely–as opposed to all the cursing we’ve done earlier. Now we’re concentrating on how to make a true eye-popping landscape. Interplanting bulbs with other flowers is not only possible, but a wonderful idea to enhance the color of your garden. By planning ahead and choosing the right plants, you can successfully interplant your garden. Start by keeping a record of where and how many bulbs are planted and you’ll be able to properly include annuals and perennials at a later date.

Top Three Wedding Flowers

When it comes to your wedding, you want everything to be perfect. This, of course, includes picking out beautiful flowers for the occasion. However, when there are countless varieties available on the market, this is much harder than it seems. That’s why we here at Gracious Gardening have come up with a list of the best wedding flowers to help you decide. Take a look at it below. Rose The rose is one of those flowers that have long been considered a symbol of both love and beauty.

Five Steps to Drying Flowers

Do you love the way your home is full of fresh-looking flowers during these summer months? Don’t you wish your house could stay like this even in the winter? Well, technically it can. All you have to do is drying your favorite flowers. It’s easy too. Here are five steps to drying flowers 1. Pick out your flowers Of course you can dry just about any kind of flower, but why not choose your favorite type?

The Best (and Safest) Repellants to Put on Lilies

With their sweet fragrances, confident flamboyant petals, and their easy-going growth cycle, it is no wonder why lilies are among the world’s most admired flowers. There are more than 100 different species of the lily plant scattered all over the globe in places such as Europe, India, Canada, the United States, and the Philippines. They grow easily in fertile soil with good drainage, as well as being placed in an area that receives full sunlight.

How to Plant Gladiolus Bulbs for Continuous Blooms

Gladiolus is a beautiful half-hardy flower that grows well in warm weather–in fact, just about the kind we’re having now. The name derives from the Latin word gladius, meaning “sword”. The spiked petals give it a distinct shape and the flowers come in a wide variety of vibrant colors, making for a spectacular view in any garden or yard. While they don’t bloom continuously throughout the season, gardeners can plant them on a staggered schedule to ensure that their garden is always bursting with the great colors of this low-maintenance flower.