Gardening Tips Articles

Easy-Care Flower Bed Ideas

Planting flowers and having a plethora of colors surrounding us makes us feel good and happy. The energy we expend planting and caring for our plants come back to us tenfold in the enjoyment we reap from the colorful array of plant life they display. However, some of us have greener thumbs than others. What can you do when you want a colorful display of flowers in your yard, but you don’t feel up to the task of planting and growing the flowers yourself?

Fertilizing Roses: When to Start and Stop

When to Fertilize Roses Regardless of the variety of rose, fertilizing is the same. A regular fertilizing schedule is every four to six weeks during the growing season. The climate is the determining factor rather than a specific date for beginning fertilizing roses. As soon as they come out of dormancy and you can see four to six inches of new growth with five to seven leaflets that is the time to fertilize for the first time.

How to Protect Early Blooming Flowers from Late Frost

Spring is supposedly here, and most gardeners are feeling the itch to get out and start preparing for planting and checking on their annuals. The only problem is that Winter keeps hanging around for most of the United Statess. We’ve never felt more at risk of a late frost. Fortunately, there are some measures that can be taken to protect any annuals growing on their own from a late-season frost.

How To Plant Potted Roses

Spring is finally here, and it’s time to think about planting potted rose bushes. They make a beautiful addition to all backyards. They’re also a fine thing to plant in Spring, especially if you missed your chance to get a rose garden going earlier in the year. To get started now, you must prepare a hole for your potted roses. Preferably, the spot you pick should have soil that’s rich in organic manner.

The Bearded Iris: Time to Divide Up Your Rhizomes!

Step 1: Dig around the bearded iris The bearded iris grows its leaves, flower stems and roots from a thick structure called a rhizome. As a plant matures, the original rhizome produces “baby” rhizomes and eventually dies off, producing less and less blooms. Carefully dig into the ground around the iris using a garden fork or spade. Take care to avoid chopping into the rhizomes. Step 2: Pull the rhizomes apart Pull the rhizomes apart with your hands.

When (and How) to Fertilize Hybrid Tea and Modern Roses

Hybrid tea roses and other modern roses–such as grandiflora, floribunda, and polyantha roses–are heavy feeders and are considered high maintenance plants. More frequent fertilization assures the best growth for these breeds. To ensure your roses will receive the proper amounts of nutrients, first test your soil to find its pH, texture, and existing mineral nutrient content. A pH range of 5.5 to 7 is ideal for roses. Texture should be balanced with sand, silt, and clay.

Removing Faded Roses: How and When!

When tending to a garden, proper care and upkeep is necessary for a healthy and beautiful gathering of plants and flowers. Roses are one of the most popular and stunning flowering plants available. However, to ensure plant owners get the most out of these flowering beauties, proper upkeep, regular pruning and deadheading is necessary. Faded flowers can be displeasing to see in a garden and can give the impression a flowering plant is unhealthy.

Colorful Flowers That Grow In Shade

Many people love the way flowers dress up their yards, but feel hopeless to do so because their yards are pretty heavily shaded. Without looking into their options, they opt for a colorless, bland, shaded yard. We have great news, though, for all you who find your homes under the shade of many trees – there are some beautiful, extremely colorful flowers that thrive in the shade! Astilbe If you’re itching for some bold, feminine colors and plants that feather, try the Astilbe.

The Most Fragrant Garden Flowers

We plant certain flowers in our gardens and around our yards to experience their glorious beauty. But one of the most enjoyable aspects of many flowers is the sweet aroma they provide. Here are five fragrant garden flowers, aromatic jewels to be enjoyed both in your garden, and cut and placed in vases to enjoy indoors as well. Lilac The Lilac, a spring-flowering shrub, is easily one of the most intensely fragrant flowers on the planet.

3 Easy Tips That Will Protect Your Bulbs

It’s time to plant your bulbs! Now that fall is coming in, bulbs need to be planted in the ground so they can pop up in the spring with their beautiful colors. However, they still have to survive the fall and winter in the ground, and sometimes, that can cause problems. Bulbs can die during the cold winter, or be taken away and eaten by wildlife. How can you save them?