
Three Steps to Growing Your Own Lilies

When we think of the spring, lilies automatically come to mind. Who doesn’t love this type of flower? It produces a beautiful, colorful bloom every year, all while delivering a fantastic aroma. That’s why when you’re looking for a flower to plant this summer, lilies are the obvious choice. Check out our steps below for how to grow this plant in your garden. Step 1: Begin by digging a hole 2 to 3 times as deep as your bulbs are high That’s because you want to make sure you’re giving your bulbs plenty of room to sprout out and grow.

Fabulous Flowers That Thrive In Shade

If you want a gorgeous garden but your yard doesn’t get a lot of natural sunlight, don’t be disappointed! You will be happy to know that there are several different plants and flowers that grow very well in very little sunshine and even in blankets of shade. In fact, you may be surprised to learn what kinds of flowers actually prefer shade to sun, and how your shady yard can become a mecca of beautiful blooms.

Five Flowers That Thrive in Shady Conditions

Normally when people think of gardens, they automatically picture lots of sunshine. While yes, many plants require direct contact with the sun to live, there are also many that thrive best in the shade. Check out some of those types of plants below: 1. Lily of the Valley Lily of the Valley is a flower that grows best when placed in the shade. For those that have never heard of this type of plant before, it has tiny white flowers that grow from it.

Beautiful Flowers You Can Grow Indoors

Who doesn’t love flowers? They have so much color, vibrancy, and are just a delight to have around the house. If you’re looking for some excellent indoor flowers, we have quite the variety in store for you today. No longer do you have to worry about protecting your flowers from the elements. Here are some beautiful flowers to enjoy inside! African Violets These gorgeous little flowers are one of the easiest houseplants you can keep in your home.

Creating a Mother’s Day Centerpiece With Flowers From Your Garden

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and a lovely way to honor your mom is with a stunning and personalized centerpiece made with flowers from your garden. Whether you are gathering to celebrate with a fancy brunch, a formal dinner, or just a casual afternoon barbecue? Your Mom will love sitting at a table that showcases a dramatic centerpiece made with gorgeous garden flowers and accented with personalized items that reflect her interests.

5 Steps to Storing Cannas Bulbs During the Winter

Thanks to the canna lilies’ large leaves and massive blossoms, they are a must-have for any garden. With their vast assortment of colors, they add a dramatic look to your backyard that automatically grabs everyone’s attention. Unfortunately, in places where winter temperatures drop below 30 degrees Fahrenheit, the bulbs must be dug up and stored for replanting the following spring. Here’s how: 1. Gently dig the bulbs up when the stalks become yellow in late fall or just after the first frost.

Everything You Need to Know About Poinsettias

Interesting facts about Poinsettias Contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not poisonous to humans. A study showed that a fifty pound child would need to consume 500 leaves in order to be sick. However, they taste terrible and would cause diarrhea and vomiting in your pets. December 12 is Poinsettia Day, which marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett in 1851, an American botanist and physician who introduced the plant to the US in 1828.

How to Stake Peonies and Delphiniums for Best Growth

Peonies and Delphiniums are beautiful plants with heavy blossoms. That’s kind of the problem. The weight of the blossom tends to be a problem when the plant begins to mature. Wind and rain can cause the tops to flop over and damage the plant. You do have several choices in how to stake them to give the plants stability and encourage better growth. Consider the Plant’s Shape When deciding on a stake system, consider the plant’s natural shape and growth pattern.

Dandelions: The Good, the Bad and the Deadly

There are well over 200 different species of dandelion. It’s true. Most people don’t even realize it, but you could have several different species popping up out of your lawn right now. They can be very useful, but they can also be a real nuisance. But, as the saying goes (or at least as it is expertly paraphrased), “When life gives you dandelions, make dandelion tea!” Is that good advice? Let’s find out.

The Basics to Keeping Orchid Plants Healthy

Orchids have long been seen as a symbol of love and beauty. Thanks to their elegance, they are used for all different kinds of significant events like proms and weddings. In fact, they’re most commonly found in corsages. In order to keep this important part of our culture going strong, we’ve gathered up some tips to keeping your orchid plants healthy. Potting Unlike most plants, orchids will not grow in typical garden soil.