
The Best Flowers For Drying

Drying flowers is a perfect way to continue enjoying your favorite blooms indoors or used in decorative arrangements as gifts or as attractive accents for your home. Although many flowers do dry well, keep in mind that the drying process often will highlight the flaws in flowers, so by choosing the best flowers for drying, your chances for producing beautifully dried flowers are much higher. Always be sure to handle the flowers you choose to dry very carefully, and always have an area set aside in your home just for the drying process so your flowers won’t be crushed, jostled or become easily damaged.

Harvesting Flowers for Indoor Display

Having flowers in the yard or garden liven up and beautify any home. Fresh cut flowers harvested from the outdoors and placed on a table can bring the beauty inside, as well. Natural arrangements bring with them an organic elegance any gardener can enjoy. Several factors affect the longevity of fresh flowers once they have been cut, making certain circumstances more ideal for harvesting. In order to make the most of the hard work associated with planting and caring for cutting flowers, the following advice will best guide gardeners looking for the right time to harvest.

Beginner Flowers Anyone Can Grow

Hurray, the season for starting to grow flowers is almost here! Are you looking to decorate your front lawn with some beautiful flower arrangements this year? If you’re just starting out, we decided to suggest some beginner flowers for you to try out. Here they are! Marigolds Marigolds are very practical flowers. There are a few varieties of these flowers that range from appearing daisy-like in appearance to double, carnation like flower heads.

How to Store Dahlia Bulbs

For those who don’t know what a dahlia is, it is a flowering plant that derives from a tuberous bulb. While gardeners tend to love to plant these items, because of the beautiful blossom they create, dahlia bulbs don’t often make it through the colder months. Thankfully, though, there are ways you can store dahlia bulbs over the winter so that they can be replanted in the spring to produce even more flowers.

How to Prepare Rose Gardens for Winter

It’s that time of year again when the cold is settling in all around us. Having your car covered in snow is bad, so we can only imagine the horrible impact that the snow is having on the rose gardens outside. Being able to bring everything inside would be ideal, but most of our beautiful roses are so massive and grounded that it just wouldn’t be feasible to even try to uproot them all.

Dig & Divide! Spring Blooming Poppies, Bleeding Hearts, and Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris ****Sunny spots are great places to begin when searching for the perfect spot for the bearded iris. Pick a spot with full sun for the transplant of the bearded iris. Start by carefully digging up the stems and rhizomes of the plant. Cut the main rhizome into smaller pieces ensuring that each piece has a leaf fan. Trim down the leaves to about 6 inches. After cutting the rhizome, wait for a few hours so the cuts can heal.

Choosing, Planting, and Transferring Easter Lilies

(A word of caution, though: If you have cats in and around your home, you should reconsider planting lilies. They are toxic to our feline friends and can cause kidney failure.) Getting started To get started choose a potted Easter lily that is in various stages of development from tight buds to a partially open flower. You’ll want the foliage to be dense, extending down the stem to the soil line and be a richly-colored green.

How To Interplant Annuals Amongst Spring-Flowering Bulbs

We had a late Spring, to put it politely–as opposed to all the cursing we’ve done earlier. Now we’re concentrating on how to make a true eye-popping landscape. Interplanting bulbs with other flowers is not only possible, but a wonderful idea to enhance the color of your garden. By planning ahead and choosing the right plants, you can successfully interplant your garden. Start by keeping a record of where and how many bulbs are planted and you’ll be able to properly include annuals and perennials at a later date.

Everything You Need To Know About Pruning Roses

Roses are so beautiful to look at and smell. I just love the calming feeling I get by the smell alone. They can be high maintenance to take care of, but I love them still. Keeping them from getting out of control is a yearly job that many seem to love. There are even such things as rose garden society types who will compete and challenge you to a rose dual if you get in their way.

Beautiful Fall Bulbs: What We’ll Be Planting This September

We’ve covered the best way to get your bulbs planted in autumn for a spring crop. Now we consider what to actually plant. Fortunately, there’s a technicolor display of gorgeous flowers to choose from. Plenty of fall bulbs like daffodils and tulips, of course, but also some other ideas you may not have considered–but always consider the zone where you’re planting. Crocuses and irises For example, look up the impressive Crocus sieberi.