Delightful Daisy Facts – Symbolism, Food, Health and Gardening
Everybody loves daisies, they are one of the most pretty and recognizable flowers that ever bloomed. Giving birth to poetry, songs, and a once popular girls name, the daisy has an enduring quality that brings feelings of goodness and purity. Maybe it’s the white color or the pretty petals. Let’s look at a few daisy facts you might not know.
The Daisy follows soft the Sun And when his golden walk is done Sits shyly at his feet
November Conundrums: Is It Too Late to Plant Bulbs?
It’s officially November. Does that mean it’s too late to plant bulbs in your garden?
The answer to this question is, “It depends.”
Growing Depends on the Temperature What it depends on are the average nighttime temperatures in your area. The best chance of success with spring-flowering bulbs is to plant them about six weeks before you can expect a ground-freezing frost. This will give the bulbs enough time to set out some roots and to establish themselves.
The Best Bulbs To Plant Right Now
See also: Before the first freeze
Sometimes it’s hard to imagine months ahead what we want our spring garden and yard to look like. Yet, now is the time to start thinking about planting new bulbs for next spring. You must plant the spring-blooming bulbs several weeks before the first freeze. If you live in the south, in zone 9, you may even need to chill your bulbs for several weeks before planting.
How to Plant Gladiolus Bulbs for Continuous Blooms
Gladiolus is a beautiful half-hardy flower that grows well in warm weather–in fact, just about the kind we’re having now. The name derives from the Latin word gladius, meaning “sword”. The spiked petals give it a distinct shape and the flowers come in a wide variety of vibrant colors, making for a spectacular view in any garden or yard. While they don’t bloom continuously throughout the season, gardeners can plant them on a staggered schedule to ensure that their garden is always bursting with the great colors of this low-maintenance flower.
Meeting the Needs of Your Fall Blooming Perennials
Meeting the fertilizer needs of your fall blooming perennials doesn’t have to be a mystery. There is a right way to do it that will produce healthy, full blooms and keep your plants thriving all through the growing season. Since perennials grow from an established, hearty root system and remain in the ground all year long, their fertilizer requirements are different from annuals who must do all of their growing in one season.
How to Rid Your Garden of Tulip Blooms
If you’ve planted tulips in your home garden, you may be imagining a yard full of beautiful tulip blooms this year. Tulips certainly produce beautiful blossoms, but they can also pose a few headaches after those blooms wither. To keep your garden healthy, you’ll have to put in some work to remove the blooms and stems. However, the key to doing this properly is knowing when to remove blooms and how to do so in a way that won’t harm your plants.
5 Best Flowers for a Spring Garden
Flowers are the epitome of spring. As the days get longer and warmer, gardens everywhere become lush with glorious color, texture, and fragrance. Flower gardens in bloom are the surest indicator that a long, cold winter is finally over, and the vitality of a new season has begun. The following is a list of five of the best flowers for your spring garden, window boxes or planters. The most common spring flowers, such as the daffodil, tulip, and crocus are well-known, but these flowers may be some you haven’t considered, and should you add them to your flower collection, you will be rewarded with incredible beauty.
How To Crystallize Flowers Like The Victorians
Many people are aware of the old Victorian tradition of hosting high tea-parties and elegant afternoon events. Did you know that one of the highlights of these events was crystallized flowers? These flowers provided beautiful décor and tasted amazing, making them a one-two punch at events. Because they’ll last up to a whole year, most people would make them in batches and keep them to pull out at the appropriate times.
The Best Flowers to Give on a Special Occasion
You would be surprised at what simple things will warm someone’s heart. Just taking the time to hold someone special’s hand or open a door will make you a very memorable person in their life. Going all out for some beautiful flowers means that you really care about, and believe us, the recipient will take notice in your efforts. But what exactly are the best flowers to give on a special occasion?
Top 7 Flowers That Grow in the Fall
Bloom blooms everywhere The fall foliage is such a beautiful sight, and the smell is even better. We always had flowers year-round, because my grandmother had such an amazing green thumb. Her love for flowers just seems to rub off on me. My favorites were always the flowers with the bright yellows and purple colors, but the smell of roses and honeysuckle always made me feel comforted. Here are seven flowers that will do well in the fall season.