The Basics to Keeping Orchid Plants Healthy
Orchids have long been seen as a symbol of love and beauty. Thanks to their elegance, they are used for all different kinds of significant events like proms and weddings. In fact, they’re most commonly found in corsages. In order to keep this important part of our culture going strong, we’ve gathered up some tips to keeping your orchid plants healthy.
Unlike most plants, orchids will not grow in typical garden soil. Instead, you must create your own mix made up of 2 parts Douglas fir bark and 1 part perlite. We recommend that you use fine-grade bark for the paphiopedilum type of orchid and medium grade for all the others. If you are having trouble figuring out where to buy the Douglas fir bark, you can pick it up at the same place where you bought the orchids, as well as greenhouses, other well-stocked garden centers, and even mail-order orchid catalogs. For the best growth and bloom, try repotting the orchid once a year; the fir bark tends to break down and orchids need a loose, fast-draining medium to truly thrive.
The orchid requires weekly watering except for those very large or small plants. They also need at least 40 to 60 percent humidity to grow. To deal with this, we suggest that you buy a humidifier. Besides these conditions, the orchid plant’s pot should be set on pebble-filled trays, then add water to the trays. This will increase the humidity around your plants, but make sure that the water doesn’t reach the top of the pebbles.
The orchid plants must be fed twice a month with a diet comprised of organic fertilizer. A nitrogen supplement such as fish emulsion should also be present at each feeding.
Pests and Diseases
For the most part, orchids are problem-free. When it comes to pests like mealybugs, scale and spider mites, use an insecticidal soap to control the issue. If you see any signs of disease, isolate it and then remove the affected part with a sharp, sterilized knife. Remember to keep an eye out for any recurrences.